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In a press release, the Ministry of National Defense elaborates on “recruitment growth” and “training intensity of Military Training Conscripts” (September 26, 2018)

In response to media’s coverage on “recruitment growth” and “training intensity of Military Training Conscripts”, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) today (26th) elaborates as follows:

1. Since the armed forces began carrying out recruitments in 2012, the recruitment rate at that time was 58%. The rate increased annually ever since, and by September 2018 the rate has reached 80% of growth target, and is expected to reach at least 90% by end of 2020. Officers and soldiers selected by the MND reach the minimal IQ level required, and meet other academic (at least senior high/vocational school graduate), physical, and ethical requirements demanded by the forces. There is no such “lowering threshold will only bring more shortages of men” as claimed by media. The MND will continue to promote supportive measures that help to increase retain rate, as well as recruit more soldiers and officers based on qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to improve the forces’ combat power and ensure national security.

2. The maximum capacity allowed for conscript training is 102,000 people per year, who are assigned to be trained at 8 training centers. According to statistical data on conscript numbers over the past 3 years by National Conscription Agency, the number stands at around 90,000 men, which still meets the training demands. However, due to academic calendars, most of the men entered the military in the latter half of the year. To avoid prolonged conscription, a temporary measure was used to adjust two standing battalions to carry out trainings by stage. It is expected that as trainings end in January 2019, there will be no more trainings accepted to the battalion.